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![]() by Billy Hiebert around 1968 MATERIAL: Cast Bronze, carved marble and walnut, aluminum, fur, carpet. HEIGHT: 64 inches Below is an outake from the Oakland Tribune, Feb. 11, 1968. "Calm Prevails in EBAA Kaiser Show", by Tribune Art Critic Miriam Dungan Cross. ..."Billy Hiebert, who in the past has shown serene abstract forms in marble, this year presented an assemblage, a monument we think, to the American sex idol, exploiting the qualities of materials and spirit of Pop and Funk. A "barbee" doll cast in Bronze (symbolic gester itself) surmounts a furtopped marble pedestal carved with erotic symbols. The museum's Ted Cohen, who installed the show, recalled a hassle some years ago over EBAA showing one of Peter Blos' nudes--of all things--at Kaiser Gallery. Muriel Coleman, then president, took a firm stand. No nude, no show. The nude stayed. Ted concluded that if Blos' "most asexual of nudes" caused a controversy Hiebert's piece would have to go. Hiebert on principle and because censoship by Kaiser authorities was by inference refused to send another work. In protest to censorship his fellow sculptor Don Rich withdrew his two works. Rich told us that the shock in Billy's piece was not for shock's sake but an integral part of the work. He felt it should be shown at Kaiser where the casual, generally uninitiated viewer would be "pulled in" and shocked into discovery. Those who go to musems are prepared for what they see."... Detail....(May not be suitable for all audiences.) |